

21212 Uppsatser om Interview study - Sida 1 av 1415

Hantverket bakom intervjun: Studenters framställning av kvalitativa intervjuer som undersökningsmetod

When producing an interview report the researcher is put to the test of describing the qualitative interview method in terms of assumed orderly steps and procedures taken during the interview process, while at the same time account for a very social dynamic process. In practice, even the most carefully prepared scenario for a qualitative Interview study probably does not correspond to the expectations made. What happens between the plans and the actual interview itself? This issue is investigated by contrasting the actual engagement of the participants in an interview project to how these relationships are accounted for in Master thesis from the Swedish School of Library- and Information Science in Borås. Theory and methodology from Actor Network Theory (ANT) have been applied into the area of qualitative interviews.

?? man får vara lite uppfinnare på något sätt? - Om referenssamtalets problem och hinder med fokus på kommunikationssvårigheter

The purpose of this thesis is to study how some librarians working at a public library experience problems that can occur at the reference interview, slightly focusing on communication difficulties. Therefore I interviewed three librarians working at the reference desk on a daily basis. I chose to limit the study to public libraries and to the south of Sweden. My main question is: what difficulties can a librarian encounter during a reference interview and what can he/she do to treat these? In support of my main question I have three subordinated questions:What reasons can there be to a librarian not understanding a user?s information need?What methods are useful for a librarian to enhance the condition of the reference interview? What attitudes and qualities can be of use for the librarian at a difficult reference interview?For the collection of empirical data I chose to use semi-structured interviews.

Anställningsintervjun och dess personbedömningsmetoder en jämförelse mellan internrekryterare och rekryteringskonsulter

The employment interview is an important part of the recruitment process because the recruiter then has a chance to form an opinion about the applicant as a person. The purpose with this study has been to examine if there are any differences between inhouse-recruiters and recruiting consultants concerning the employment interview and its assessment methods. Five inhouse-recruiters and five recruiting consultants have been interviewed on the basis of a manual. There are differences between the groups in 6 of the 17 themes that have been examined: purpose with the employment interview, private-, double- or panelinterview, length of the interview, personal chemistry, appearance and objectivity in the assessment. Many of the differences are caused by the fact that inhouse-recruiters recruit for their own organisation and recruiting consultants recruit for a client.

Den ömma vilden : -En studie av pedagogens syn på den fysiska kontakten mellan barnen i den vilda leken i förskolan

The Purpose of this study is to contribute knowledge on and to make the preschool teachers views visible about physical contact between children in wild play in the preschool. I decide to use interview of preschool teachers in a group setting as a mean to investigate this. The group interview is a non-structured interview with open questions where the preschool teachers only received guidance with pre made questions when needed.The result shows what kind of view the preschool teachers have on physical contact and they share concreate examples on how they work in situations like these.By reading this study I hope to contribute better knowledge of the physical contract between children and that the study generates futher reflections on one´s attitude in the matter..

Vad lockar barn till aktivitet och rörelse på förskolegården?

The purpose of this study was to investigate what attracts children to activity and movement on the playground in a central and municipal preschool in a town located in middle of Sweden. The method was to use a qualitative group interview with five children, two girls and three boys, at the age of five. The interview consisted of a general question about what kids think is fun to do on the playground and was complemented with follow-up questions depending on what the children said. A qualitative interview with a preschool teacher and observations were carried out in the hope that they would confirm what children claimed about play and movement. This study showed a gender difference when girls like to swing together while the boys are making the swinging for a contest.

Källkritiskt tänkande angående nyhetsinslag

The purpose of the study is, through literature and interview studies, to analyze and draw attention to critical mindedness regarding news features in a multilateral way. In the interview 16 participants got to see three SVT news features with lack of criticism. Great importance was given to the spontaneous reasoning of the participant. The study is explorative and has given a number of hypotheses and ideas for further research concerning the subject. Among other things the study shows that previous beliefs affect the critical mindedness of the individual, that individuals have the ability to think critically if reminded and that the trust of the source and medium affects the critical mindedness of the individual..

Den nya ämnesplanen i moderna språk : vad innebär den för förändringar och hur tolkas den?

The purpose of this research is to study the new curriculum in the topic of modern languages in the upper secondary school, and compare the curriculum from year 2011 with the one from year 2000 and thus try to find differences in the content and wordng. The research also aims to investigate teachers' interpretations and understanding of the new curriculum. The study is divided into two sub?studies and those are based on the two methods of text analysis and interview. Text analysis of policy documents is made parallell with some aspects found in the background materials of the upper secondaryschool reform, which can be summarized as precision and globalization.

Matematikverkstad : hur kan lärare och elever arbeta där?

The starting point of this work has been to get knowledge about teachers working in a mathematical workshop with the students. I also wanted to investigate what students think about math, both within the workshop and in traditional teaching.To achieve this I chose to interview a teacher in charge within the framework of a mathematical workshop, and six students in the 5th grade. I also did a lesson observation with the purpose to see how well the teacher?s tutoring agrees with the results of the interview.In this study I have discovered that the lessons in the mathematical workshop are planned after what the students are working with in the textbook. The teacher opens the lessons with the whole class and then splits it up in groups.

Frihängande kylbaffel för Swegon : Freely suspended chilled beam for Swegon

This study aims to highlight and analyze eight secondary teachers' views and thoughts on mathematics. Hopefully this study will provide a deeper understanding of how teachers think and reason about their subject and how this affects their teaching. The study was conducted using a qualitative interview method, based on interviews with eight middle school teachers who teach in school mathematics for grades 6 - 9. The interviews were recorded and then transcribed and analyzed. After the interview analysis one can conclude that the teachers? thoughts concern three main themes: the importance of mathematics, children?s lack of basic knowledge and the teachers? lack of time.In discussion and analysis the teachers conceptions of the own subject is being analyzed, and that is the foundation of this study.

Elektronisk referenstjänst vid några svenska universitets- och högskolebibliotek

This is a study on the electronic reference work of some Swedish university and university college libraries. The purpose of the study has been to find out how the service works at the different libraries, to study the electronic reference interview and to find what is important when you start a new electronic reference service in the light of Brenda Dervin's sense-making theory study. Furthermore, we examine the aims of the electronic services offered and the differences between electronic and traditional reference interviews. In the background to the study we place electronic reference services in a context by describing the role of information technology and electronic mail in the libraries. The electronic reference interview is studied with the help of literature on the traditional reference interview.

Kommunikationsproblem och bemötande inom referenssamtalet

This bachelor thesis is about communication problems and treatment during the reference interview. The purpose was to investigate the reasons of why users? information needs are not always understood by the librarian and what to do about it. I have also investigated what kind of skills that can be useful for librarians to have and how a librarian can act in a way that makes the user feel welcome during the reference interview. The method I used was a literature study and an own study through interviews of library users.

Shame on you! A study of how individuals handle the feeling of shame.

The aim with this thesis was to acquire an understanding for how individuals handle the feeling of shame in connection with cultural consumption. In order to capture the feeling of shame we developed an interview method called the Backstabber interview technique. We found that the Backstabber interview technique successfully triggered feelings of shame in connection to cultural consumption, which made it possible for us to study the handling of shame. We found that our respondents tended to use different forms of accounts in order to handle the feeling of shame. We categorized them into five accounts with relating sub-accounts.

Åtta högstadielärares uppfattningar om matematik

This study aims to highlight and analyze eight secondary teachers' views and thoughts on mathematics. Hopefully this study will provide a deeper understanding of how teachers think and reason about their subject and how this affects their teaching. The study was conducted using a qualitative interview method, based on interviews with eight middle school teachers who teach in school mathematics for grades 6 - 9. The interviews were recorded and then transcribed and analyzed. After the interview analysis one can conclude that the teachers? thoughts concern three main themes: the importance of mathematics, children?s lack of basic knowledge and the teachers? lack of time.In discussion and analysis the teachers conceptions of the own subject is being analyzed, and that is the foundation of this study.

Tillämpning av utvärdering inom operativt förbättringsarbete

In the fall of 2014 a literature review and a scientific study of the topic; "... in the extent to which companies in the industry applies the evaluation of continuous improvement? was conducted at Mälardalen University. These studies are the foundation of this thesis.A strategic improvement is often divided into smaller steps of improvements at each hierarchical level from the top down through the organization. But if there is no response system that can confirm the results of these improvements back through the organization it is very hard to see if the improvements really are improvements or just changes and a waste of resources.

Anknytningens betydelse för relationer i vuxenlivet hos extremt prematurt födda och fullgånget burna individer

The main purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between adult attachment, denoted as mental representations of childhood experiences, and social relations. A secondary purpose was to examine the impact of prematurity on attachment and social relations in adult age. The study is part of a larger longitudinal study carried out by professor Karin Stjernqvist and Anne-Li Hallin, candidate for the doctorate, at the Department of Psychology, Lund University. Participants of the present study were 30 individuals randomly selected from the larger study. Of these, 16 individuals were premature born and 14 individuals were full-term born.

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